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Body Sense Day Spa:
Facts & Questions

Here you can get answers to commonly asked questions that will help make your stay at Body Sense Day Spa go smooth and enhance your experience.

Book an Appointment
  • How far in advance do I have to book?
    We book 24 hours in adavnce. If you want an immidate books please call to see if we have an opening due to a cancellation.
  • Where do I park when I come for my appointment?
    We have a parking lot that you enter by going down eth drive to teh rigt of the building and around the back into teh parking area.
  • Do you offer couples massage?
    Yes we do. Please let us know you want couples when you call to reserve. Or if your booking on line please make sure you choose couples massage.
  • Do you offer organic skin care products?
    Yes we do. Please feel free to call us or stop by with any other questsions. 179 Barnstable Rd, Hyannis, MA 02601 (508) 775-7546
  • Wat do I need to do to prepare for my service?
    Please arrive 15 minutes before your session in order to fill out your health intake form.

We take your well-being very seriously. It is our responsibility to make sure we understand your state of health before we start your service. Please understand that if you don't' disclose all necessary information it can be problematic and potentially hazardous.

Thank you -  The Management At Body Sense Day Spa

Opening Hours

Visit Us Today

Mon - Sat: 9 am - 7 pm
Sun: By Appointment

Book Now

179 Barnstable Rd, Hyannis, MA 02601, USA

(508) 775-7546

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